Fake Gucci 406380 GG Embossed Duffle Bag Black on sale now, just need $428.00 and includes free worldwide shipping.
You will get an AAAAA quality knockoff Gucci 406380 GG Embossed Duffle Bag Black with the best price, 1:1 made as the original. If you are not satisfied with the product you received, please be sure to contact us, we promise to solve the problem for you. We are confident that you will adore our products and that we can establish a long-term business relationship with each other.
Products Description
Made entirely from black leather, this duffle bag from Gucci spots an all-over embossed GG detail, with a removable luggage tag, cotton lining and a choice of top handles, or adjustable strap.
- Availability: In stock
- Brand:Gucci
- Gucci trademark leather tag detail
- Lock with detachable leather key holder
- Detachable ID tag
- Protective metal feet
- Interior zipper and smart phone pockets
- Double leather handles with 10cm drop
- Detachable and adjustable nylon strap with 45cm drop and leather shoulder pad
- Double zipper closure
- Medium size: W45.5cm x H28cm x D25cm